Chocolate crepe cake with no eggs

Chocolate Crepe Cake with NO EGGS (nut free)

Layers and layers of deliciously tender crepes, slathered with a unique chocolate frosting that isn’t too sweet. Chocolate crepe cake with no eggs is rich with chocolate, and stunning in appearance.

Not sure about you, but I have watched a lot of Food Network shows. My biggest takeaway is that professional chefs always say “first, you eat with your eyes”, and that has really impacted my cooking. I try to make ‘good looking food’, but let’s face it, some things do not photograph well (looking at you chicken parm!) However, making edible things look pretty is half the battle, because ultimately it has to taste good too!

—Chocolate crepe cake with no eggs has entered the chat— : )

Chocolate crepe cake with no eggs is both handsome and tasty. It is impressively tall, elegant and unique. This eggless dessert recipe provides both the rich side of the chocolate ermine frosting combined with the gentle and more mild crepe flavors.

Chocolate crepe cake

What is a chocolate crepe cake?

Simply put, it is a bunch of cooked and cooled crepes, stacked on top of each other with a filling of your choice. For this recipe, between each layer is a layer of buttery, rich chocolate frosting. And not just *any* frosting can be used for this recipe. You need something that is not cloyingly sweet. Overly sweet is not the direction of this dessert. So if a less sweet variety of a dessert is what you are going for then this recipe is for you!

Side note- I DO have many sweet and delicious desserts that can be found on my website. It is my favorite category!

Crepe cake easy recipe

umm why are there no eggs?

Yes, traditional crepes are made with many eggs. But long story short, this is an egg free (and nut free) recipe blog. Due to food allergies we currently cannot have eggs in the house. I make, create and produce egg free recipes that are commonly known to have eggs. If you don’t relate to this, that’s ok! I would still encourage you to try this egg free recipe!

Is it easy?

I find this recipe to be quite easy, because it uses simple ingredients. Also, there is not a lot of skill involved with making the crepes or the frosting, especially if you have made them before. However, it is a bit time consuming. Let me explain…

  • the many crepes require time to cook which turns out to be 30 minutes (15 crepes at 1-2 minutes cooking time per crepe)
  • Chocolate ermine frosting is also time consuming. It needs to cooked and then beat with a mixer for 10 minutes or so.
  • lastly, the construction of the crepe cake. Crepe then frosting, crepe then frosting… it is a repetitive task, but also quite therapeutic. Something about spreading chocolate across a crepe is delightful to me.

I know I make a solid case for making this recipe. Super convincing. But, hear me out. While doing all these tasks, you can listen to a podcast, music, or audiobook. You could even turn on your iPad and watch a show or YouTube (not that I would know anything about that hah.)

My point is, it will take awhile for this recipe to come together but it is not complicated by any means, and the tasks are repetitive enough that you do not need to really ‘think’ about it. Does that make sense?

Chocolate crepe cake recipe

Recipe components:

This recipe uses my vegan crepe recipe, a simple and delicious egg free crepe just like one you would find at a creperie. The crepe recipe is vegan however, I have yet to try a vegan ermine frosting so overall this chocolate crepe cake with no eggs recipe is not vegan.

The frosting in this recipe is a chocolate ermine frosting, which is an old school recipe that uses cooked flour and milk and creates a super silky texture. It is less sweet than a standard frosting, and you can tailor it to your preferred level of sweetness, so just use my recipe as as guide!

Crepe cake recipe

When to serve chocolate crepe cake with no eggs

Crepe cake is vastly different from a classic cake. Traditional cake has its time to shine for many occasions and holidays but crepe cake is a ‘picturesque cafe favorite’, an after brunch dessert or ending the night of a dinner party.

Mille crepe cake is another name this recipe goes by. In french, the direct translation of mille is ‘thousand’, in which case it is like eating a ‘thousand’ layer cake. Makes sense, doesn’t it? After this post, you will have learned how to say thousand in french and have acquired the knowledge on how to make a mille crepe cake! Look at you, multitasking master!

Crepe cake strawberry

How to store chocolate crepe cake

Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate up to 48 hours; best served fresh the same day (at room temperature.)

How to achieve a chocolate crepe cake with no eggs:

Make the crepes:

-In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, sugar and salt, and cornstarch. Whisk until completely combined.

Eggless crepe cake

-Pour water, milk, and oil into the dry ingredients. Thoroughly mix all together until you have a smooth batter. There may still be some small ‘dry bits’ which is fine.

Eggless crepe recipe

-Heat large pan over medium heat, (or you can use a griddle.) Ladle the crepe batter into the preheated pan, using the back of your ladle, gently ease the batter around the pan working in an outward circular direction. Try to get it as close to the pan without touching the pan or making a hole in the crepe, as you can see in the video.

*Note– Try to keep all crepes a similar size, approximately 6 inches. Use a measuring device to pour if you find it difficult to eyeball. Otherwise, you might end up with a wonky shaped cake haha!

Eggless crepe recipe easy

-Cook for about 1 minute, flip and cook another 45 seconds or until lightly golden on both sides.

-Place cooked crepes on wire rack to cool 

Eggless crepe cake recipe

How to make Chocolate Ermine frosting:

-In a small sauce pan, whisk together flour, sugar and (optional) espresso powder. Pour in milk, then turn heat on medium-low. Cook until a thick paste forms. Check the temperature with a food thermometer; should be around 160-165F for flour to be considered cooked and ‘safe’. I know y’all are out there eating raw cookie dough, but I have to at least advise you on this.

Chocolate ermine frosting

-Remove from heat, and allow to cool to room temperature. If it is cold outside, place on the porch to speed up cooling. Use your best judgment when using this method lol.

-Meanwhile, in a medium mixing bowl, use hand mixer or stand mixer to whip the butter and cocoa powder for 3-5 minutes (can use paddle attachment or standard beaters for hand mixer). I am going to level with you, absolutely do not try the frosting at this point, even though it looks good it is terribly bitter since it is just butter and cocoa powdered. Wait until you add the next ingredient to taste test!

-Add cooled milk-flour mixture and cream for another 5-8 minutes.

Crepe cake with chocolate ermine frosting

-Lastly add in vanilla and optional powdered sugar if you prefer it more sweet. Mix about 1-2 minutes until fully combined and frosting is smooth.

Assemble the crepe cake:

-On a cake stand or piece of parchment paper, place a dot of icing on the bottom in the middle of where your crepe will be. Then stack you crepe on top. Next cover the crepe with a thin, even layer of chocolate ermine frosting; it helps if you have an offset spatula.

-Repeat the process stacking the crepe, then frosting, until you are done with the crepes.

-Spread remaining frosting all over the outside of the crepe cake, smoothing out to appear like a ‘naked’ cake frosting style. Or whatever frosting style you prefer! Decorate to your liking, for example with powdered sugar and strawberries, and then serve!

Eggless Chocolate crepe cake with strawberries

Things that helped in the kitchen for this recipe, and can help you too:

Glass mixing bowl set – I love how versatile these bowls are and super easy to clean!

Wire Rack â€“ for cooling, baking and roastingthis size is great for the USA half sheet pan, making it an excellent choice for Pullman pan bread loaves(Amazon or HomeGoods)

Food thermometer (amazon) to check the temperature of basically everything and anything. One of my most used and underrated kitchen tools.

Offset/ angled spatula- perfect for spreading chocolate, frostings, icing, or smoothing savory foods like mashed potatoes (amazon)

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This comes at no cost to you, just like a free Disney travel agent. I’m only here to make suggestions that hopefully help you đŸ˜‰

Chocolate crepe cake with no eggs

Chocolate Crepe Cake with No Eggs



  • 1½ cups all purpose flour*
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar*
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1½ tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup soy milk
  • 2 tablespoons avocado oil*

Chocolate Ermine Frosting

  • 2 ½ tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon espresso powder optional
  • 1/2 cup Milk 2% or whole milk preferred
  • 1/2 cup salted butter softened (6 tbsps)
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Optional 2 tbsps powdered sugar for sweetness


For the crepes:

  • In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, sugar and salt, and cornstarch. Whisk until completely combined.
  • Pour water, milk, and oil into the dry ingredients. Thoroughly mix all together until you have a smooth batter. There may still be some small ‘dry bits’ which is ok.
  • Heat large pan over medium heat, (or you can use a griddle.) Ladle the crepe batter into the preheated pan, using the back of your ladle, gently ease the batter around the pan working in an outward circular direction. Try to get it as close to the pan without touching the pan or making a hole in the crepe, as you can see in the video.
    Try to keep the crepes a similar size, approximately 6 inches. Use a measuring device to pour if you find it difficult to eyeball.
  • Cook for about 1 minute, flip and cook another 45 seconds or until lightly golden on both sides.
  • Place cooked crĂŞpes on wire rack to cool

For the Ermine frosting:

  • In a small sauce pan, whisk together flour, sugar and (optional) espresso powder. Pour in milk, then turn heat on medium-low. Cook until a thick paste forms. Check the temperature with a food thermometer; should be around 160-165F for cooked flour.
  • Remove from heat, and allow to cool to room temperature. If it is cold outside, place on the porch to speed up cooling.
  • Meanwhile, in a medium mixing bowl, use hand mixer or stand mixer to whip the butter and cocoa powder for 3-5 minutes (can use paddle attachment or standard beaters for hand mixer)
  • Add cooled milk-flour mixture and cream for another 5-8 minutes.
  • Lastly add in vanilla and optional powdered sugar if you prefer it more sweet. Mix about 1-2 minutes until fully combined and frosting is smooth.

Assemble the crepe cake:

  • On a cake stand or piece of parchment paper, place a dot of icing on the bottom in the middle of where your crepe will be. Then stack you crepe on top. Next cover the crepe with a thin layer of chocolate ermine frosting; it helps if you have an offset spatula.
  • Repeat the process stacking the crepe, then frosting, until you are done with the crepes.
  • Spread remaining frosting all over the outside of the crepe cake, smoothing out to appear like a ‘naked’ cake frosting style. Or whatever frosting style you prefer! Decorate to your liking and then serve!

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