Cut and bake rainbow sugar cookies
Baked Goods Dessert

Cut and Bake Rainbow Sugar Cookies [egg free, nut free]

A frosting free sugar cookie, that looks just like a rainbow! These cut and bake rainbow sugar cookies are the perfect way to enjoy the homemade version of the big brand cookies.

I have a solution to your problems, and it is called cut and bake rainbow sugar cookies. Egg free rainbow sugar cookies to be exact.

But first, let me ask some questions…

– who doesn’t love a rainbow sugar cookie?

– who doesn’t love a cut and bake cookie?

If you answered ‘me…’ Or “I don’t…” to either of those questions you can see yourself out. However if you answered “yes, duh” then I am here to grace you with another amazing recipe.

Rainbow sugar cookies

The meaning behind the cut and bake rainbow sugar cookie

When it came time to bake something from the store that my kids could enjoy safely, it was very difficult. I manage and continue to create recipes that are suitable for egg and nut allergies. But when re-creating a certain brand of slice and bake cookies, that was another story.

After all, kids are drawn to the holiday cut and bake cookies like an influencer to a selfie spot. Try and drag them away… it won’t be easy.

Let’s be real—

There is something spectacularly appealing about buying a cookie dough that you just place on a pan and bake. This said cookie dough is one we all have seen before, with a fun design planted in the center like an elf hat, a bunny, or ghost depending on the season.

Nevertheless these brand name cookies contain egg. And quite frankly some other ingredients which I am slightly skeptical about. Would I still buy them and eat them alone? Yes. A big fat yes. But I definitely feel better about serving cookies when I know what all the ingredients are.

Well, bring in the fun, effervescent cut and bake rainbow sugar cookies.

Homemade rainbow sugar cookies

How do I make eggless rainbow sugar cookies?

Similar to my other sugar cookie recipes, these cookies contain cream cheese, which is unnoticeable but adds a bit of flavoring of something different. It still very much tastes just like a sugar cookie you might find at a cool bakery.

No frosting needed on these sugar cookies

Another perk of this cookie is that it does not need any type of frosting. This is great for multiple reasons: first- you do not need to spend all the extra agonizing time to make it look pretty (and might I say, worry about effing it up.) Secondly, you can actually freeze a baked sugar cookie without frosting. If I haven’t said it enough, I love my freezer friendly recipes!

Slice and bake cookies

They really look like rainbows

Shocking to even myself, these cookies are made in such a way that they actually resemble a rainbow. How cool is that? This is completed by a series of steps of rolling out the dough colors, wrapping it around the log and then cutting the entire log in half. You will see in the step by step instructions, it really isn’t as hard as it seems.

Slice and bake sugar cookies

So to sum up all the reasons why you should try these awesome looking rainbow sugar cookies…

1- eggless sugar cookies, so if you’re out of eggs or have an allergy they are perfect

2- no decorating required

3- you can freeze them

4- they look incredibly cool!!

Slice and bake rainbow sugar cookies

My OTHER sugar cookie options are a great choice as well.

If you are looking for a plain eggless sugar cookie, to be a canvas for any occasion try this recipe:

Egg free sugar cookies with a twist

Egg free sugar cookies with a twist

If you are in the mood for a warming pumpkin spice cookie, try this one:

Easy Cream Cheesy Pumpkin Spice Cut Out Cookies

Pumpkin spice cut out cookies

And lastly, if you are looking for a rainbow sprinkle soft and chewy sugar cookie, go for this:

Egg Free Funfetti Cookies

egg free funfetti cookies

How to make the best cut and bake rainbow sugar cookies

Make the Dough

Using a hand mixer and a medium mixing bowl, beat cream cheese, butter and sugar until light and well combined. Stir in vanilla.

Easy slice and bake cookies

Add flour, cornstarch, baking soda, and salt. Mix well until combined and no dry streaks are running through dough.

Easy rainbow vanilla cookies

Divide the dough into two equal dough balls. Plastic wrap one ball of dough and refrigerate for later.

Slice and bake cookies recipes

Take the remaining dough and divide into 5 balls, each representing a different color. The 5 dough balls should be slightly increasing in size from smallest to largest, in order of the colors you are using. Using a gloved hand, mix in your food coloring for each ball. Knead in the color well enough until you have solid color. For example, the colors I chose are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue. In this order, my smallest dough ball is red, and my largest one is blue. You can use a kitchen scale to make this easier.

Slice and bake cookies design

Wrap each colored dough ball in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or 12-24 hours.

Assemble the rainbow dough

When ready to assemble, take the colored dough balls out of the fridge and starting with the smallest size (red in my case), roll into a log about 6 inches long. Keep in mind this will gradually increase in size and your log will end up being almost double the length.

Rainbow cookies recipe

Roll the next color (orange) out flat, and wrap it around the red log entirely so you cannot see any red poking through. Pinch the seams to join dough together.

Continue this process with all colors in order, rolling them out flat then wrapping around the log. It might not be perfect but try to cover the entirety of the previous color. Wrap this rainbow log in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Eggless cookie dough

Prepare to bake

Prepare a pan by lining it with parchment paper and preheat oven to 350F.

Remove rainbow log from fridge and slice it in half along the length. You now have two rainbow dough arches! Set them aside.

Take out the other plain sugar cookie dough from the fridge and cut it in half. Roll out each half until flat and take one rainbow dough arch and place it on the plain sugar cookie dough, and proceed to wrap the plain dough around the rainbow dough. Try to maintain the flat side of the dough to help keep the shape of the rainbow. Repeat with the other plain dough and rainbow arch.

Cut the cookies about 1/2 inch thick and place on prepared pan.

Egg free cookies

Bake for about 10-12 minutes until lightly golden on the bottom. Cool on pan for a few minutes then move to a wire cooling rack to cool completely.

Things that helped in the kitchen for this recipe, and can help you too:

  • Kitchen scale -from amazon, this one I used for 1-2 years, it is inexpensive but gets the job done! 
  • wire racks, from amazon, or Home Goods – I use this specific brand and size and it fits my 17.25 X 12.25 inch USA half sheet Pan
  • rolling pin, pick your preferred size. I find that the super long ones are more of a nuisance because they don’t fit in drawers properly, and bump everything on the counter as you roll things out. 
  • Pyrex Glass mixing bowls
  • Miracle Blade knife â€“ I use this versatile knife for everything from steaks to fruit (amazon)

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This comes at no cost to you, just like a free Disney travel agent. I’m only here to make suggestions that hopefully help you đŸ™‚

Cut and Bake Rainbow Sugar Cookies


  • 6 oz cream cheese softened
  • 8 tbsp salted butter (one stick) softened
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar, plus 2 tbsps.
  • 1½ teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2Âź cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • Food coloring of your choice


  • In a medium mixing bowl, beat cream cheese, butter and sugar until light and well combined. Mix in vanilla.
  • Add flour, cornstarch, baking soda, and salt. Mix well until combined and no dry streaks are running through dough.
  • Divide the dough into two equal balls. Plastic wrap one ball of dough and refrigerate for later.
  • Take the remaining dough and divide into 5 balls, each representing a different color. The 5 dough balls should be slightly increasing in size from smallest to largest, in order of the colors you are using. Using a gloved hand, mix in your food coloring for each ball. Knead in the color well enough until you have solid color. For example, the colors I chose are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue. In this order, my smallest dough ball is red, and my largest one is blue. You can use a kitchen scale to make this easier.
  • Wrap each colored dough ball in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or 12-24 hours.
  • When ready to assemble, take the colored dough balls out of the fridge and starting with the smallest size (red in my case), roll into a log about 6 inches long. Keep in mind this will gradually increase in size and your log will end up being almost double the length.
  • Roll the next color (orange) out flat, and wrap it around the red log entirely so you cannot see any red poking through. Pinch the seams to join dough together.
  • Continue this process with all colors, rolling them out flat then wrapping around the log. It might not be perfect but try to cover the entirety of the previous color. Wrap this rainbow log in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  • Prepare a pan by lining it with parchment paper and preheat oven to 350F.
  • Remove rainbow log from fridge and slice it in half along the length. You now have two rainbow dough arches! Set them aside and get out the other plain sugar cookie dough from the fridge and cut it in half. Roll out each half until flat and take one rainbow dough arch and place it on the plain sugar cookie dough, and proceed to wrap the plain dough around the rainbow dough. Try to maintain the flat side of the dough to help keep the shape of the rainbow. Repeat with the other plain dough and rainbow arch.
  • Cut the cookies about 1/2 inch thick and place on prepared pan. Bake for about 10-12 minutes until lightly golden on the bottom. Cool on pan for a few minutes then move to a wire cooling rack to cool completely.


*You can choose to freeze one log of dough if you do not need a lot of cookies. Wrap in plastic wrap and freeze for 1-2 months. When ready to bake, remove from freezer and allow to warm up until you’re able to cut it and bake as the original recipe says.

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