Easiest, Egg Free Chocolate Chip bagels: only 3 ingredients
Baked Goods Breakfast Snacks

Easiest, Egg Free Chocolate Chip bagels: 3 ingredients

Everyone needs a delicious, go-to, quick breakfast meal. Let these easiest egg free chocolate chip bagels be on your menu next time you crave a chocolatey and fancy yet rustic breakfast. There is no added sugar in the dough, healthy simple ingredients, and have a hit of protein. If you follow the recipe using 5% plain Greek yogurt, you’ll get about 20g of protein, divided amongst the 5-7 bagels. And who doesn’t want to eat chocolate for breakfast? You won’t see me turning this one down! Great for a kids morning breakfast, when you struggle to get them to eat anything. Make a batch, freeze then pull out of the freezer and toast as needed. DEeeelicious!

Easiest, Egg Free Chocolate Chip bagels: only 3 ingredients

The perks of these bagels are numerous! Let me tell you, they do not require a scale to weigh ingredients (unlike many of my other sourdough recipes); they do not use yeast, which means there is no waiting around for them to rise, and they come together with just your hands and maybe a spoon if you don’t live the barbaric life and use your hands for like everything. I wouldn’t know anything about this…

Easiest, Egg Free Chocolate Chip bagels: only 3 ingredients

Bonus– which doesn’t apply to everyone, but IF you happen to have an egg allergy or nut allergy, these are completely eggless and nut free. Yippee! If you wanted to make them dairy free as well you might want to try a vegan sour cream like follow your heart or violife; I haven’t experimented with this yet and it wouldn’t yield the same protein but it’s worth a shot.

Taste-wise: they are slightly tangy from the yogurt, and of course chocolatey. Not too sweet, a little less chewy than a typical yeasted bagel, but still hold their shape and can hold up to a smear of cream cheese if you like.

Easiest, Egg Free Chocolate Chip bagels: only 3 ingredients

How to achieve the easiest egg free chocolate chip bagels!

Preheat the oven to 350 and line a half sheet pan with parchment paper, set aside.

Grab a medium mixing bowl, dump in your self-rising flour (click link if you need to make your own self rising flour or go to the recipe card notes below*) and Greek yogurt. Mix to combine.

Easiest, Egg Free Chocolate Chip bagels: only 3 ingredients

Sprinkle some self-rising flour on the counter and pour the dough onto the counter. Knead it a few times, just to really help combine all the ingredients then shape into a log or disc. Flatten the dough into an even layer, then add the chocolate chips.

Using a bench scraper or knife to evenly slice off strips of dough, and roll the strip around on the floured counter to help the chocolate chips stay in place.

Easiest, Egg Free Chocolate Chip bagels: only 3 ingredients

Shape the strip of dough into a ‘snake’ shape and join the ends to form a circle like a donut. Or duh a bagel. IF you find the dough to be too sticky, and you’re unable to shape it into a snake, sprinkle with more flour until you reach a workable consistency.

Easiest, Egg Free Chocolate Chip bagels: only 3 ingredients
Snake shaped strip of dough
Easiest, Egg Free Chocolate Chip bagels: only 3 ingredients
Joined ends meet to make a circular shape

Place on parchment lined pan, and continue process with remaining dough.

Easiest, Egg Free Chocolate Chip bagels: only 3 ingredients

Add some extra chocolate chips on top to look pretty (I’m giving away all my secrets), then top with a faux egg wash of your choice. In this case I used a splash of soy milk with a 1/4 teaspoon of agave. Honey would work in place of agave, but if you need them to be truly vegan, stick with another liquid sweetener.

Easiest, Egg Free Chocolate Chip bagels: only 3 ingredients

Bake for about 20-25 minutes, until bottoms are golden brown. The overall color gets a slightly golden brown hue but like most bagels they remain quite light. Allow to cool on the pan for a few minutes, then remove to wire rack, or serve warm. Voila! You did it! Enjoy the easiest egg free chocolate chip bagels!

Things that helped in the kitchen for this recipe, and can help you too:

  • Glass mixing bowl set – I love how versatile these bowls are and super easy to clean!
  • Cookie sheet- USA half sheet Pan – I always come crawling back to this brand haha. Find on amazon or Home Goods
  • Bench scraper-get the stainless steel variety with the looped handle so you can toss it in the dishwasher and not have to worry about water getting trapped and rusting. It’s also helpful if it has a ruler built in! (amazon)

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This comes at no cost to you, just like a free Disney travel agent. I’m only here to make suggestions that hopefully help you ðŸ˜€

Easiest, Egg Free Chocolate Chip bagels: only 3 ingredients

Easiest egg free chocolate chip bagels

Delicious chocolate chip bagels: egg free, easy and ready in a flash!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Course Breakfast, Snack


Chocolate chip bagels

  • 1 Cup Self-rising flour* option to make your own self rising flour see notes
  • 1 Cup Greek yogurt, plain, 5%* may use fat free Greek plain yogurt too
  • 1/3 Cup Semi-sweet chocolate chips plus a handful more for topping

Faux egg wash (optional)

  • 1-2 Tablespoons Soy milk (or dairy milk)
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Agave or honey don’t use honey if making vegan version


  • Preheat oven to 350℉, line a half sheet pan with parchment paper and set aside.
  • In a medium mixing bowl, combine self rising flour and Greek yogurt. Stir to combine. Roll out onto a lightly floured counter, adding more flour as needed if sticking too much. Knead a few times and roll into a large log, then flatten into an even rectangle.
  • Sprinkle the chocolate chips on top of the dough, then using a bench scraper or knife, cut the dough into even strips. Roll each strip into a ‘snake’ shape and join the ends to make a circle.bagel shape. Place on parchment lined baking sheet. Dot with extra chocolate chips for a ‘more finished’ look.
  • If doing a faux egg wash, in a separate small bowl, combine the milk and agave or honey, and brush over the tops of the bagels before baking in oven.
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes, until the bottoms are golden brown and internal temperature reaches 210℉ if using food thermometer. Tops will be light golden in color. Allow to cool on baking sheet or remove to wire rack.


Tips, Tricks and Substitutions 
*If you don’t have self rising flour on hand, the King Arthur website has a method:
1 cup flour, 1.5 teaspoons baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon salt = DIY self rising flour
*Use a vegan sour cream to replace the Greek yogurt if making these dairy free (also check chocolate chips to confirm they’re dairy free/vegan)
*Store baked bagels in a zip top bag at room temperature for 1-2 days
*Freeze for up to 4 months; take from freezer and place directly in toaster oven to reheat. 
Keyword 2 ingredient bagels, chocolate chip bagels, easiest bagels, egg free recipe, greek yogurt bagels, nut free recipe, peanut free recipe

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