Hack for Cutting Pineapple with Perfect Cubes
Breakfast Dessert Snacks Vegan

Hack for Cutting Pineapple with Perfect Cubes – Video

Fresh pineapple doesn’t have to be a chore to dice. With these quick, easy steps, you’ll be dicing pineapple like a pro in no time!NO “Corer” needed in this hack for cutting pineapple with perfect cubes.

Have you fell victim to leaving a whole pineapple on the counter way past its prime? It feels like a hassle cutting up this large, oddly shaped pineapple. Maybe you’re even intimidated by it, but don’t give up and definitely don’t let it go to waste!

I have a special video on hack for cutting pineapple with perfect cubes 😉 It is super simple, and you will have diced pineapple chunks that look like they came straight from your fancy local grocer.

I know it is tempting to purchase the pre-cut version of pineapple too, but the fact remains, it is expensive! Additionally, and not for nothing, pre-cut fruits have a higher chance of contamination from harmful bacteria. Yikes. It might seem convenient at the time, but definitely a risk.

Pineapple is such a nutritious and delicious fruit, and pairs well with so many things! Don’t let laziness or lack of knowledge and ability stop you from enjoying it!

I know it may seem like a daunting task but I promise it is super easy. And you DO NOT NEED A CORER or any other special devices. Kitchen space is precious, and does not need to be consumed by bulky single-use tools like a pineapple corer. Don’t let that be you.

Hack for Cutting Pineapple with Perfect Cubes
Cover photo features sweetened, caramelized pineapple chunks

Kitchen tools you’ll need:

  • Large cutting board
  • Long knife (8 inches is good)
  • Container (Food storage container or something that has a lid is helpful)

It’s an elaborate list, I know.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This comes at no cost to you, just like a free Disney travel agent. I’m only here to make suggestions that hopefully help you 😉

Let’s get started

Grab your pineapple and wash in cold water to get any dirt off.

  1. Grab a large cutting board, large knife and your washed pineapple.
  2. Chop off the top and bottom end pieces.
  3. Stand it up on it bottom and cut the thick skin off all around it.
  4. Cut a chunk off the pineapple slicing downward around the core.
  5. Take this piece and lay it down flat on the cutting board.
  6. Cut long strips vertical to you, then horizontal to you, making little cubes.
  7. Scoop cubes up with knife and place in bowl
  8. Repeat process for other sides of the pineapple.
  9. **If the pineapple slice is quite thick, I like to cut it in half along the horizon, so it turns into 2 thinner slices. Then proceed with making the vertical strips and horizontal cuts to turn into cubes.

The end result is perfectly diced pineapple chunks, cubed and ready for any serving platter.

Here is another visual with photos:

After peeling the pineapple, cut off a large chunk top to bottom, following the core all the way downward.

Diced pineapple chunks picture

Lay the large pineapple piece flat on the cutting board

How to cut a pineapple chunks

Begin your cuts, first into long strips…

Pineapple cutting how to

…then in the opposite direction to make cubes.

Diced pineapple how to video


There you have it! A perfectly diced pineapple, cut into lovely chunks, worthy of any pre-packaged fruit tray.

If you are looking for recipe inspiration to go along with your Hack for Cutting Pineapple with Perfect Cubes, I suggest-

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Pineapple and cottage cheese toasts

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