Sourdough skillet flatbread, vegan
Main Dish Snacks Sourdough Vegan

Sourdough Skillet flatbread : The Best Bread-cracker To Serve With Charcuterie

Sourdough skillet flatbread, vegan

Admittedly, I developed this recipe on a whim; I only had a quarter cup of discard to use, not enough for bread or rolls, but certainly something to work with. I was also pressed for time, with sick kids and no help in sight. What’s a busy parent to do? Enter, this vegan, organic, sourdough skillet flatbread. Ready in 20 minutes, with basically 3 ingredients plus whatever seasonings, it is soooo easy you could cry, (or at least have time to quiet your kids from their crying.)

I’ve made this easy for you too, since you can end your search for the best bread or cracker to be served alongside your favorite charcuterie board. There is no kneading, rolling or rising this dough, just mix your discard, water, and flour, pour into a sizzling hot, oiled pan, and bake for about 15 minutes or until desired level of browning and crispiness is achieved.

Sourdough skillet flatbread, vegan

These sourdough skillet flatbreads are comparable to a Sardinian flatbread or pan carasau; thin as a piece of paper but still able to hold their own when used as a vessel for cutting through a soft cheese or dipping into hummus. It is like a chip, a cracker and a flat bread sort of combined into one. It is dry and light like a cracker, but thin and snaps like a chip when you break it, with the hint of sourdough tang flavor. The absolute best accompaniment to any charcuterie board.

Sourdough skillet flatbread, vegan

Versatility is off the charts too. season it however you like, my preferred method —and my kids like it too—, is with basil, oregano and sprinkling of sea salt. What did I tell you? EASY. But also, a delicious flavor bomb. Of course you could try other flavor parings like freshly grated pecorino Romano cheese, coarse pepper, bit if rosemary… or keep it simple with olive oil, garlic and salt. You could try lemon thyme and drizzle of hot honey to arouse the senses too! Options are endless!

How to achieve crispy Sourdough Skillet Flatbread

First– Preheat oven to 425, WITH a cast iron/ oven safe skillet in the oven as it heats up

Then, proceed with making your dough mixture, using a 2 cup Pyrex measuring glass, pour in your sourdough discard, flour, and water. Add a dash of salt then mix well

Consistency should be like this, thinner than a pancake batter but not completely watery.

After the oven has been preheating for about 10 minutes, CAREFULLY with oven mitts, remove the hot skillet, spray or pour in a small amount of oil, just enough to coat the bottom of the pan, and proceed to carefully pour in the sourdough mixture. Use a spatula or spoon to help spread the mixture evenly along the bottom of the pan. Do this QUICKLY as it will start to cook immediately due to the temperature of the pan.

after baking, look at that beautiful coloring, crispy edges and savory seasonings MMMM!

Sourdough skillet flatbread, vegan

Things that helped in the kitchen for this recipe, and can help you too:

Pyrex 2 cup glass measuring cup –standard essential, amazon or HomeGoods

Le Creuset enameled cast iron – very versatile, use on stovetop, oven safe, sturdy as heck (Amazon)

Glass jar with wide mouth for sourdough starter, Amazon or target

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This comes at no cost to you, just like a free Disney travel agent. I’m only here to make suggestions that hopefully help you 😉

After the oven has been preheating for about 10 minutes, with oven mitts, remove the skillet, spray or pour in a small amount of oil, just enough to coat the bottom of the pan, and proceed to carefully pour in the sourdough mixture. Use a spatula or spoon to help spread the mixture evenly along the bottom of the pan. Do this QUICKLY as it will start to cook immediately due to the temperature of the pan.

Sourdough Skillet flatbread : The Best Bread-cracker To Serve With Charcuterie


  • 1/4 cup sourdough discard (Unfed starter)
  • 2 tbsp all purpose flour
  • 3 tbsp water
  • pinch salt

Seasonings to top with

  • 1/4 tsp. oregano
  • 1/4 tsp. basil
  • dash Himalayan pink salt coarse ground
  • avocado or olive oil for pan


  • Preheat oven to 425, WITH a cast iron/ oven safe skillet in the oven as it heats up.
  • in a 2 cup Pyrex measuring glass, pour in your sourdough discard, flour, and water. Add a dash of salt then mix well.
  • After the oven has been preheating for about 10 minutes, with oven mitts, remove the skillet, spray or pour in a small amount of oil, just enough to coat the bottom of the pan, and proceed to carefully pour in the sourdough mixture. Use a spatula or spoon to help spread the mixture evenly along the bottom of the pan. Do this QUICKLY as it will start to cook immediately due to the temperature of the pan.
  • Sprinkle your seasonings on, in this case, oregano, basil and salt, and return to the oven. Bake for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown and crispy. Allow to cool for a minute in the pan before removing, then serve alongside a charcuterie board, or your favorite Italian dish.


*You could easily double the recipe to make more
*depending on your personal sourdough starter, you may have more or less hydration, meaning you’ll need to adjust flour and water accordingly. If the batter seems too thin, add flour, or if it seems too thick add water. It should be thinner than a pancake batter but not watery thin. 
Keyword allergy friendly kids food, charcuterie, italian flatbread, vegan sourdough
Sourdough skillet flatbread, vegan

Sourdough skillet flatbreads not what you’re looking for? Why not try this amazing sourdough cheese bread recipe!

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